Bouquet Subscription
For when the love just don't stop.
Set yourself, or someone special up with a six week reminder of just how amazing you/they are.
This option is a wonderful way to stay on someone's mind, remind yourself of how deserving you are, or be there for someone going through it.
Flower subscription includes a total of three flower bouquets to be delivered every two weeks over the course of six weeks.
Bouquets are designers' choice and will always be made with the freshest most stunning blooms available.
Please review delivery information below.
Mellow Botanical delivers within a 10 mile radius of Rollinsford, NH (see map). Flower wraps and vase arrangements are available with a delivery fee.
Delivery orders are available Monday - Friday. Saturday & Sunday are available for pickup only.
Enter all delivery information at checkout.
Our delivery staff will do their very best to find a suitable place for the flowers out of direct sun, rain, or snow. If there is no suitable place, or if we are unable to obtain access (gated community, apartment building), your floral order will be returned to Wentworth Greenhouses. We are able to reschedule the delivery for an additional fee.